The first look of Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit in her upcoming film Gulab Gang shows her in the avatar of an aggressive woman. In the film which is inspired by the women vigilante group Gulab Gang fighting against social injustice, Madhuri Dixit plays the gang leader. Madhuri looks fearless in a pink sari (worn by the women of Gulab Gang) with a bamboo stick for her defense as she looks back with her wrathful expression. The actress, who is elated to play a strong in the film said: "You will see a completely different side of me. I am playing an aggressive woman here. She is tough. This film gave me a chance to do some stunts too," she had earlier said. This is not the first time she has played the strong female lead (Mrityudand), however, it is the first time the 46-year-old star has done her own action sequences. For this role, she trained extensively under the guidance of action choreographer, Shifu Kanishka Sharma, a renowned Shaolin master. The film directed by Soumik Sen also stars Mahie Gill, Shilpa Shukla. The film will see Madhuri's return to a full-fledged role after a gap of almost six years. She was last seen in an item song with Ranbir Kapoor in Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani. On being a part of the film Madhuri said: "I am happy that I am a part of a film which doesn't portray women as avenger or victim anymore. It's quite a strong film and when Soumik Sen (director) narrated me the script, I could not say no to him as I really liked the script. Female are protagonists in the film." Madhuri Dixit is sharing screen space with her former contemporary Juhi Chawla for the first time.
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